Below are resources for youth and families involved in the Juvenile Justice System. Please note that these guides are not offered as legal advice. Clients should always discuss their questions and obtain legal advice from their attorneys.

What Your Attorney Wants You to Know About Your Juvenile Delinquency Case (Revised 2020)

A booklet for Youth, Rights & Justice clients who are being represented on delinquency charges. This booklet is intended to provide general information and may answer questions. It is not legal advice.

What Your Attorney Wants You to Know When You Are on Probation (Revised 2018)

A booklet for Youth, Rights & Justice clients who have been placed on probation by the juvenile court. This booklet is intended to provide general information and may answer questions. It is not legal advice.

What Your Attorney Wants You to Know About Sex Offender Registration (Revised 2020)

A booklet for Youth, Rights & Justice clients who have been have been adjudicated as a juvenile delinquent on a felony sex offense and may be required to register as a sex offender. This booklet is intended to provide general information and may answer questions. It is not legal advice.

Find information on how to expunge your record here.