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Introducing the Youth, Rights & Justice Expunction Clinic


Youth, Rights & Justice is proud to announce the creation of our Expunction Clinic. This online clinic will focus on increasing access to expungement for individuals with juvenile records. This is a free service currently for individuals with records in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas Counties. 

For many individuals, a juvenile record can cause the loss of future employment and educational opportunities, or an inability to obtain housing or to enlist in the military service. In Oregon, when youth have contact with law enforcement or the juvenile court, paper and electronic records are created. Information in these records is publicly available. Expunction, or expungement, is the process of sealing or destroying those records. For individuals seeking a clean slate and a fresh start, access to expunction is vital. 

The expunction process in Oregon is complicated and can be difficult. YRJ is thrilled to offer assistance to members of our community who are seeking to have their juvenile records destroyed or sealed. Combined with the passage of SB 575, which automates the process of expunction in limited cases for some individuals and provides early access to court appointed attorneys, we are hopeful that many people in our communities will gain the fresh start that is so needed for their success and the success of their families.

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