The Oregon Department of Education has announced that children receiving special education services may be entitled to recovery services from their school district as a result of disruptions in learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents and guardians can request a meeting at any time with their child’s IEP team to consider whether their child needs recovery services. See below for more information about these services or print and share our informational flyer:
How will this work?
- For every child eligible for special education, the IEP team must consider whether that child needs recovery services.
- These services must be individualized to your child’s needs and
- The district must consider your concerns and input as they determine what those needs are and how and when services should be delivered.
When do you meet to talk about Recovery Services?
- You can request a meeting at any time to discuss this.
- Teams are required to discuss this at every annual IEP meeting through the 2022-2023 school year.
What services could your child get?
- Special Education—or more of the services that your child has listed on their IEP
- Related Services (eg. Speech services, PT and OT, counseling)
- Additional Instruction or Intensified Instruction
- Social emotional learning support
- Adult or peer support
What should the IEP team consider as they determine if your child is eligible for recovery services?
- The team should review student performance and data including:
- pre-COVID-19 closures—In other words, how your child was doing before COVID hit.
- student participation and performance during COVID-19 closures (How much your child participated in remote learning and how they did in their classes during that time)
- your child’s performance upon return to school.
- The IEP team should consider the student’s progress compared to the progress of all students during this time period.
- If your child wasn’t offered or was unable to access all of their IEP services last year, be sure to include that in the discussion. For example, if the district didn’t offer occupational therapy through distance learning, but your child was supposed to receive it, you should request recovery services for that time.